Legacy 420’s hemp farmland on Tyendinaga. (C) Legacy 420
First Nations cannabis producers have their own laws and testing protocols. My friends in Mohawk territory (Tyendinaga) sell safe cannabis products. They know how to help people, educate the communities they serve, and support the local economy by creating jobs.
Every time I visit Legacy 420, I am amazed by the number of seniors lined up to purchase their products. Many of them are in wheelchairs or on crutches. Some people purchase dried flower, cannabis oil, edibles, suppositories or Legacy 420’s famous “Sacred Salve” — depending on the symptoms they have. (Below are a few pictures from my last pre-pandemic visit.) People learn quickly that consuming quality cannabis will minimize suffering. For those living with symptoms of anxiety and traumatic stress (PTSD), cannabis can make the difference between life and death.
Honey Suckle Magazine recently published an article that highlights Legacy 420’s mission to reclaim Indigenous identities and address centuries of trauma through medical cannabis — and the societal hurdles they face beyond legalization. See below to read the article in full: